Rally VM - WRC
  Rally EM - ERC

© Reiger


Safari excitement at Race Retro.

The presence of Stig Blomqvist and Björn Waldegård raised the temperature at a rather chilly International Historic Motor Show last weekend. Outside on a special stage within the grounds of Stoneleigh Park in the West Midlands, they joined Michele Mouton and others to drive cars that had strong memories for them. In particular, Waldegård was reunited with the Porsche 911 that he drove on the 2005 Classic Safari in which he finished seventh overall.

But inside the exhibition halls of the show, they came to the Historic Motorsport Stand to stand beside a sister car to the Mk 1 Escort BDAs that they will drive on the 2007 Classic Safari and talk about their recent successful test in Kenya. Both ex-World Champions were delighted with the results. Blomqvist who finished second in a Historic Motorsport Escort in the 2005 event was sure that he was on target for success. “The car was very good, better even than the Escorts I have driven before. This was quicker and maybe slightly easier to keep on the good line in a corner”. Waldegård was if anything more positive. On stepping out of the car after the final day of the test he said “I can start the rally tomorrow with this car” while at the show he commented that he thought it was “Bomb proof, handling really well over the rough and giving a positive feel to the driver at speed on the dirt”. Waldegård has plenty of experience by which to judge the performance of these cars since he started competing on the original East African Safari Rally in 1971 with a Porsche 911, finished second in 1974, swapped to a Lancia Stratos for 1975 when he was third and finally won the Safari in 1977 with a Ford Escort Mk2 RS1800. He subsequently won the Safari three more times driving various versions of the Toyota Celica.

Team director for Historic Motorsport and the man behind Ari Vatanen’s World Championship title success in 1981 with an Escort, David Sutton, was equally pleased. “If I had to summarise our week in Kenya I would say that it was very good, then very bad and then very, very good. To start with, we thought that between our engineers and Gordon Birtwhistle of Proflex dampers, we had made a big step forward from previous years. A short test in Wales before we sent this car out had gone well and it all started just fine. Then we discovered that there was an error in manufacturing one part and Gordon was dispatched to downtown Nairobi to make some on-the-spot alterations. After that, the Escort was transformed. Since discovering things like this are the whole reason for testing, one can say that the test was a massive success.”

These cars now benefit from a suspension that is close to that used by the modern WRC cars and ensures that not only do they get a good ride on the rough, but are also able to extract the maximum traction from their fifteen inch Minilite wheels fitted with Pirelli tyres. At the same time, there was plenty of chance to see if their revised cooling system worked well in the higher temperatures and altitudes that Kenya can provide.

These cars, prepared as they are, especially for the Safari Classic do not come cheap and nor does the experience of their drivers. Sutton admits that he was simply delighted when his client and main sponsor, Vineyard Otazu, told him at the end of the 2005 event that they would be doing it again and that it would be with two ex-World Champions in two new cars.
There is a chance that with its slightly earlier date at the end of November, the Safari Classic could see some rain. Sutton was phlegmatic on the subject. “Of course, we would prefer it to be dry. Escorts have never really liked water and in any case, dry conditions give much less trouble to competitors, organisers and spectators. But I am sure we have done everything to provide our experienced drivers with good machinery no matter what the conditions”.

Meanwhile, entries continue to come in for the Safari Classic as do the number of bookings for the supporters and spectators who want to follow the event. It looks like being a full house come November …

» Pressrelease från Safarirallyt, www.eastafricansafarirally.com.

» Denna samt tidigare pressreleaser, se

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Nästa deltävling:
- - - - - 00/00

Rally EM - ERC:
Rally Sierra Morena 04-06/04

Rally SM:
North Rally 07-08/02

Rally VM - WRC:
Rallye Monte-Carlo 23-26/01

Svenska RallyCupen:
Vilda Ryd Racet 26/04

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